Gigabit Ethernet Module
[http://www.syskonnect.com/syskonnect/support/driver/zip/linux/install-8_23.tar.bz2] mkdir
sk98lin cd sk98lin wget ht-
23.tar.bz2 tar xjvf install-8_23.tar.bz2
Driver Disc
Debian (Sarge) Installation
Insert the Debian (Sarge) netinstall CD into your CD/DVD drive. If your BIOS is configured for booting
from CD/DVD you will get the LILO boot prompt immedately. If not, you can push F8 during com-
puter boot up to enter a selection menu for the device to boot from. Select your CD/DVD drive here and
enter expert26 to load the installation routine with the kernel version 2.6.8-2-386. Now follow the in-
structions in the list below.
1. Select the menu entries Choose language, Choose country or region and Select
a keyboard layout to set up your language specific configuration.
2. In the next step select Detect and mount CD-ROM. You will get here a dialog with a list of
several modules which can be loaded. Only floppy, ide-core, ide-generic, ide-disc,
ide-cd and isofs are required. Two further dialogs will be shown: Prompt for module
parameters? and Start PC card services?. Answer to both with No.
3. Next choose Load installer components from CD and proceed without selecting any-
4. The menu item Detect network hardware will lead you through the same dialogs you have
already seen by selecting Detect and mount CD-ROM before. The modules whe have
choosen before are not shown anymore so you can disselect all modules and answer the following
two questions with No. You will be also asked to choose a driver needed by your ethernet card. Se-
lect no ethernet card and continue.
5. Select the menu item Configure the network. The following window tells you that no net-
work card has been detected. Confirm with Continue and enter a hostname in the next dialog.
6. By selecting Detect hardware you will get the dialog for modules to load one more time.
Deselect all modules, confirm and answer the next two dialogs with No again.
7. Choosing Partition disks will result in an error No partitionable media found..
Just continue here and proceed with the next step.
Installing Debian (Sarge) on an Asus
P5AD2-E Premium
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