Asus PCI-G31 User Manual Page 1

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Traunuferstrasse 110
4052 Ansfelden, Austria
:: Seite 1 von 2 :: Datenblatt zum Produkt Asus Netzwerkkarte PCI-G31 / WLAN 802.11b/g/ mit DC# 483014 ::
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54Mbps 802.11b/g Wireless PCI Adapter
WPS(Wi-Fi Protected Setup) - Quickly set up a secure wireless connection
Software AP - Connects your notebook, PSP, or other game console to the Internet
Supports WEP, WPA, and WPA2 methods for enhanced security
Software WPS button
Just few clicks to setup an secure wireless environment!
Step 1:
Click "WPS" icon
on Utility and click
Step 2:
Push WPS button* on
ASUS wireless router
Step 3:
Wireless setting done
You are online!
* Works with ASUS RT-N13U, WL-500GP_V2, WL-520GU,
RT-G32 wireless router for WPS function
Software AP
Soft AP mode allows the WLAN card to act as a virtual access point.
The computer needs to be connected to a wired network using an Ethernet connection in order to
provide network access to WLAN clients.
Host interface 32-bit PCI v2.2
IEEE 802.11g
IEEE 802.11b
Data Rate
802.11g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54Mbps, TX burst mode support
802.11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11Mbps
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - PCI-G31

DC GmbHTraunuferstrasse 1104052 Ansfelden, Austria:: Seite 1 von 2 :: Datenblatt zum Produkt Asus Netzwerkkarte PCI-G31 / WLAN 80

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DC GmbHTraunuferstrasse 1104052 Ansfelden, Austria:: Seite 2 von 2 :: Datenblatt zum Produkt Asus Netzwerkkarte PCI-G31 / WLAN 80

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