Asus ASMB5-iKVM User Manual Page 28

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2-10 Chapter 2: Installation
2.4.3 System Event Log
Allows you to view all the events in the BMC event log. It will take a maximum of 15
seconds to read all the BMC SEL records.
SEL Components [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable all features of system event log during
The following items become congurable when you set SEL Components to
Erase SEL [No]
Allows you to select how to erase SEL.
Conguration options: [No] [Yes, On next reset] [Yes, On every reset]
When SEL is Full [Do Nothing]
Allows you to select what to do to a full SEL.
Conguration options: [Do Nothing] [Erase Immediately]
Log EFI Status Codes [Both]
Allows you to customize the EFI status codes.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Both] [Error code] [Progress code]
: Sel ect Sc ree n
: Se lec t I tem
Ent er: Se lec t
+/ : Cha nge Op t.
F1: Ge ner al Hel p
F9: Op tim ize d D efa ult s
F10 : Save ESC: Exit
Ver sio n 2 .01 .12 04. Co pyr igh t ( C) 201 0 A mer ica n M ega tre nds , I nc.
Apt io Set up Uti lit y - Co pyr igh t ( C) 201 0 A mer ica n M ega tre nds , I nc.
Se rve r M gmt
Ena bli ng/ Dis abl ing Op tio ns
SEL Co mpo nen ts [Di sab led ]
Era sin g S ett ing s
Era se SEL [No ]
Whe n S EL is Ful l [ Do Not hin g]
Cus tom EF I L ogg ing Op tio ns
Log EF I S tat us Cod es [Bo th]
NOT E: All va lue s c han ged he re do not ta ke eff ect
un til co mpu ter is re sta rte d.
Sel ect to co nfi gur e L AN cha nne l
par ame ter s s tat ica lly or
dyn ami cal ly( DHC P). Do no thi ng
opt ion wi ll not mo dif y a ny BMC
net work par ame ters du rin g BIOS
pha se.
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