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Most apps include a Menu icon near the top or bottom of the
screen that lets you control the app’s settings.
Organize your Home screens
To add a widget to a Home screen:
1. Go to the Home screen where you want to place the widget.
2. Touch the
All Apps icon.
3. Swipe right to the Widgets tab and keep swiping, if necessary,
to nd the widget.
4. Touch & hold the widget until the Home screen appears, slide
it into place, and lift your nger.
To move an app or widget icon to a different location on a Home
1. Touch & hold the icon.
2. Slide your nger to the new position.
To move between Home screens, slide toward the edge of the
To bump another icon out of the way, slide slowly into it.
3. Lift your nger.
The icon drops into its new position.
To combine two icons in a folder, slide one quickly over the other.
To open a folder, touch it.
To rename a folder, touch its name.
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