Asus A8N-SLI User Manual Page 6

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5.2.4 Manuals menu ......................................................... 5-5
5.2.5 ASUS Contact information ...................................... 5-6
5.2.6 Other information ................................................... 5-6
5.3 Software information ........................................................... 5-9
5.3.1 ASUS MyLogo2™ .................................................... 5-9
5.3.2 ASUS Instant Music ............................................... 5-11
5.3.3 AI NET 2 ............................................................... 5-13
Using the Virtual Cable Tester™ ........................... 5-13
5.3.4 Audio configurations ............................................ 5-14
5.3.5 Using the NVIDIA
Firewall™ ................................. 5-20
5.4 RAID configurations ............................................................ 5-23
5.4.1 Installing hard disks .............................................. 5-24
5.4.2 NVIDIA
RAID configurations ................................ 5-25
5.5 Creating a RAID driver disk ................................................. 5-32
5.6 Cool ‘n’ Quiet!™ Technology ............................................... 5-33
5.6.1 Enabling Cool ‘n’ Quiet!™ Technology ................... 5-33
5.6.2 Launching the Cool ‘n’ Quiet!™ software .............. 5-34
Chapter 6: SLI™ technology supportChapter 6: SLI™ technology support
Chapter 6: SLI™ technology supportChapter 6: SLI™ technology support
Chapter 6: SLI™ technology support
6.1 Overview............................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Dual graphics card setup ...................................................... 6-2
6.2.1 Setting the ASUS EZ selector card ......................... 6-2
6.2.2 Installing SLI-ready graphics cards ......................... 6-4
6.2.3 Setting the SLI mode in BIOS ................................. 6-8
6.2.4 Installing the device drivers .................................... 6-8
6.2.5 Enabling the multi-GPU feature in Windows ............ 6-8
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