Asus K75A User Manual Page 90

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Notebook PC User Manual
: Se le ct S creen
: Se le ct I te m
Ent er : Se le ct
+/ : Ch an ge O pt .
F1: G eneral H el p
F9: O ptimiz ed D ef au lt s
F10 : Sa ve ES C: Exit
Ver si on 2 .0 1.1208 . Co py ri gh t (C) 20 10 A me ri ca n Me ga tr en ds , In c.
Apt io S et up U ti lity - C op yr ig ht (C) 2 01 0 Am er ic an Meg at re nd s, I nc .
Sec ur it y
I /O I nt erface S ec ur it y
L AN N et work I nt er fa ce [UN LO CK ED ]
W ir el es s Netw or k In te rf ac e [UN LO CK ED ]
H D AU DI O Inte rf ac e [UN LO CK ED ]
S AT A 2n d HDD In te rf ac e [UN LO CK ED ]
S AT A OD D Inte rf ac e [UN LO CK ED ]
US B In te rf ace Se cu ri ty
If Lo ck ed , 2nd SA TA H DD w il l be
dis ab le d.
SAT A 2n d HD D Inte rf ac e
3. Select SATA 2nd HDD Interface and set it to LOCKED.
4. Press [F10] to save the configuration and exit.
Creating the Recovery DVD:
1. Double-click the AI Recovery Burner icon on the Window
2. Insert a blank
writable DVD
into the optical
drive and click
Start to start
creating the Recovery DVD.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete creating the
recovery DVD.
Prepare enough blank writable DVDs as instructed to create the
Recovery DVD.
IMPORTANT! Remove the external hard disk drive before
performing system recovery on your Notebook PC. According
to Microsoft, you may lose important data because of setting up
Windows on the wrong disk drive or formatting the incorrect
drive partition.
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