Notebook PC User Manual
Security Setting
To set the password:
1. On the
Security screen, select Setup Administrator Password
or User Password.
2. Type in a password and press [Enter].
3. Re-type to confirm the password and press [Enter].
4. Password is then set.
To clear the password:
1. On the
Security screen, select Setup Administrator Password
or User Password.
2. Enter the current password and press [Enter].
3. Leave the
Create New Password field blank and press [Enter].
4. Leave the
Confirm New Password field blank and press [Enter].
5. Password is then cleared.
: Select Scree n
: Select Item
Enter: Select
+/—: Change Opt.
F1: General Hel p
F2: Previous Val u e s
F9: Optimized D e f a u l t s
F10: S ave ESC: Exit
Version 1.28.11 1 9 . C o pyright (C) 2008 American Megatre n d s , I nc.
Aptio Setup Utility - C o p y r i g ht (C) 2008 American Megatrends, I n c .
Main A d v a n c e d Boot Security Save & E x i t
Password Des c r i p t i on
If ONLY the A d m i n i strator’s password is set,
then this on l y l i m its access to Setup and is
only asked f o r w h e n entering Setup.
If ONLY the u s e r ’ s password is set, then this
is a power o n p a s s word and must be entered to
boot or ente r S e t u p. In Setup, the User will
have Adminis t r a t o r rights.
Administrat o r P a s sword NOT INSTALLED
User Passwo r d S t a tus NOT INSTALLED
Setup admin i s t r a t or password
User Passwo r d
I/O Interface S e c u r i ty
HDD Securit y C o n f iguration:
HDD 0:Hita c h i H T S5
Set the system b o o t o rder.
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