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3 Getting Started
Special Keyboard Functions
Colored Hot Keys
The following denes the colored hot keys on the Notebook PC’s keyboard. The
colored commands can only be accessed by rst pressing and holding the function
key while pressing a key with a colored command.
The Hot Key locations on the function keys may vary depending on model but the
functions should remain the same.
“Zz” Icon (F1):
Places the Notebook PC in suspend mode (either Save-to-RAM or Save-
to-Disk depending on sleep button setting in power management setup).
Filled Sun Icon (F5):
Decreases the display brightness
Open Sun Icon (F6):
Increases the display brightness
“e” Icon (F4): Pressing this button will launch your Internet browser application
while Windows is running.
Envelope Icon (F3): Pressing this button will launch your Email application while
Windows is running.
LCD Icon (F7): Toggles the display panel ON and OFF. (On certain models; stretches
the screen area to ll the entire display when using low resolution modes.)
LCD/Monitor Icons (F8): Toggles between the Notebook PC’s LCD display and an
external monitor in this series: Notebook PC LCD -> External Monitor -> Both. (This
function does not work in 256 Colors, select High Color in Display Property Settings.)
NOTE: Must connect an external monitor “beforebooting up.
Radio Tower (F2): Wireless Models Only: Toggles the
internal wireless LAN or Bluetooth (on selected models)
ON or OFF with an on-screen-display. When enabled, the
corresponding wireless indicator will light. Windows software settings are necessary to
use the wireless LAN or Bluetooth.
Crossed-out Touchpad (F9): Toggles the built-in touchpad LOCKED (disabled)
and UNLOCKED (enabled). Locking the touchpad will prevent you from ac-
cidentally moving the pointer while typing and is best used with an external
pointing device such as a mouse. NOTE: Selected models have an indicator
between the touchpad buttons will light when the touchpad is UNLOCKED
(enabled) and not light when the touchpad is LOCKED (disabled).
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