Asus M3N78-EM User Manual Page 66

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2-20 Chapitre 2 : Le BIOS
2.4 Menu Advanced (Avancé)
Les éléments du menu Advanced menu vous permettent de modier les
paramètres du CPU et d’autres composants système.
Prenez garde en changeant les paramètres du menu Advanced. Des valeurs
incorrectes risquent d’entraîner un mauvais fonctionnement du système.
JumperFree Conguration
CPU Conguration
Onboard Devices Conguration
USB Conguration
Adjust System
Frequency/Voltage etc.
2.4.1 JumperFree Conguration
Congure System Frequency/Voltage
CPU Overclocking [Auto]
GPU Overclocking [Auto]
PCIE Overclocking [Auto]
CPU Ratio and Voltage:
Processor Frequency Multiplier [Auto]
Processor Voltage [Auto]
Processor-NB Voltage [Auto]
Hyper Transport Conguration:
Hyper Transport Speed [Auto]
Hyper Transport Width [16 16 ]
Memory Timing and Voltage:
Memory Clock Mode [Auto]
DRAM Timing Mode [Auto]
Memory Over voltage [Auto]
Select the target CPU
frequency, and the
relevant parameters
will be auto-adjusted.
Frequencies higher
than CPU manufacturer
recommmends are not
guaranteed to be
stable. If the system
becomes unstable,
return to the default.
Chipset Voltage:
Chipset Voltage [Auto]
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