Asus P5G41T-M LX User Manual Page 47

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ASUS P5G41T-M LX 2-9
2.4 Advanced menu
The Advanced menu items allow you to change the settings for the CPU and other system
Take caution when changing the settings of the Advanced menu items. Incorrect eld
values can cause the system to malfunction.
JumperFree Conguration
CPU Conguration
Onboard Devices Conguration
USB Conguration
Adjust System
Main Advanced Power Boot Tools Exit
2.4.1 JumperFree Conguration
The items in this menu allows you to adjust the system frequency/voltage.
Ai Overclocking [Auto]
Allows selection of CPU overclocking options to achieve desired CPU internal frequency.
Select either one of the preset overclocking conguration options:
Manual - allows you to individually set overclocking parameters.
Auto - loads the optimal settings for the system.
Overclock Prole - loads overclocking proles with optimal parameters for stability
when overclocking.
2.3.5 System Information
This menu gives you an overview of the general system specications. The BIOS
automatically detects the items in this menu.
BIOS Information
Displays the auto-detected BIOS information.
Displays the auto-detected CPU specication.
System Memory
Displays the auto-detected system memory.
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