Asus P5N32-SLI SE Deluxe User Manual Page 88

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Chapter 4: BIOS setupChapter 4: BIOS setup
Chapter 4: BIOS setupChapter 4: BIOS setup
Chapter 4: BIOS setup
PIO Mode [Auto]PIO Mode [Auto]
PIO Mode [Auto]PIO Mode [Auto]
PIO Mode [Auto]
Selects the PIO mode.
Configuration options: [Auto] [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]
DMA Mode [Auto]DMA Mode [Auto]
DMA Mode [Auto]DMA Mode [Auto]
DMA Mode [Auto]
Selects the DMA mode. Configuration options: [Auto] [SWDMA0]
SMART Monitoring [Auto]SMART Monitoring [Auto]
SMART Monitoring [Auto]SMART Monitoring [Auto]
SMART Monitoring [Auto]
Sets the Smart Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology.
Configuration options: [Auto] [Disabled] [Enabled]
32Bit Data Transfer [Enabled]32Bit Data Transfer [Enabled]
32Bit Data Transfer [Enabled]32Bit Data Transfer [Enabled]
32Bit Data Transfer [Enabled]
Enables or disables 32-bit data transfer.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Select Screen
Select Item
+- Change Option
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
v02.58 (C)Copyright 1985-2005, American Megatrends, Inc.
First, Second, Third, and Fourth SATA DeviceFirst, Second, Third, and Fourth SATA Device
First, Second, Third, and Fourth SATA DeviceFirst, Second, Third, and Fourth SATA Device
First, Second, Third, and Fourth SATA Device
The BIOS automatically detects the connected Serial ATA devices. There is
a separate sub-menu for each device. Select a device item, then press
<Enter> to display the SATA device information.
First SATA Device
Device : Not Detected
LBA/Large Mode [Auto]
Block(Multi-sector Transfer) [Auto]
PIO Mode [Auto]
DMA Mode [Auto]
SMART Monitoring [Auto]
32Bit Data Transfer [Enabled]
Select the type of
device connected to
the system.
LBA/Large Mode [Auto]LBA/Large Mode [Auto]
LBA/Large Mode [Auto]LBA/Large Mode [Auto]
LBA/Large Mode [Auto]
Enables or disables the LBA mode. Setting to [Auto] enables the LBA mode
if the device supports this mode, and if the device was not previously
formatted with LBA mode disabled. Configuration options: [Disabled]
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