Asus PCI-L101 User Manual Page 19

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19ASUS MEB-VM User’s Manual
3. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The motherboard provides a ZIF Socket 370. The CPU that came with the mother-
board should have a fan attached to it to prevent overheating. If this is not the case
then purchase a fan before you turn on your system.
WARNING! Without a fan circulating air on the CPU, the CPU can overheat
and cause damage to both the CPU and the motherboard.
To install a CPU, first turn off your system and remove its cover. Locate the ZIF
socket and open it by first pulling the lever sideways away from the socket then
upwards to a 90-degree right angle. Insert the CPU with the correct orientation as
shown. The notched corner should point towards the end the of the lever. Because
the CPU has a corner pin for two of the four corners, the CPU will only fit in the one
orientation as shown. The picture is for reference only; you should have a CPU fan
that will cover the face of the CPU. With the added weight of the CPU fan, no force
is required to insert the CPU. Once completely inserted, close the socket’s lever
while holding down the CPU.
NOTE: Set the bus frequency and multiple for your Socket 370 processor.
MEB-VM Socket 370
Socket 370 CPU (Top)
Socket 370 CPU (Bottom)
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