Asus INTEL CUW(E)-FX User Manual

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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - MB Booting and ASUS ASIC

MB Booting and ASUS ASICMB Booting and ASUS ASICDec. 20, 2002Dec. 20, 2002CSC / ASUSCSC / ASUS

Page 2

P.10 /6412345678910111213141516171819203.3V *3.3V *COM5VCOM5VCOMPW-OK5VSB12V3.3V *-12VCOMPS-ONCOMCOMCOM-5V5V5V* optionalSouth Bridge(ICH, PIIX4)ASUS A

Page 3

P.11 /64Motherboard in G3 Mechanical Off StateMotherboard in G3 Mechanical Off StateWhen the motherboard is not connected to When the motherboard is

Page 4 - ACPI States

P.12 /6412345678910111213141516171819203.3V *3.3V *COM5VCOM5VCOMPW-OK5VSB12V3.3V *-12VCOMPS-ONCOMCOMCOM-5V5V5V* optionalATX PWRAMRSocket 370820MCHLPCI

Page 5

P.13 /64+3VAUXRegulator+5VSB150 OhmMotherboard in G2 / S5 Soft Off StateMotherboard in G2 / S5 Soft Off State

Page 6 - Global System States

2. 2. Determination ofDetermination ofCPU CPU VcoreVcore, , CPU Core Frequency, CPU Core Frequency, CPU Frequency Multiplier.CPU Frequency Multiplier.

Page 7

P.15 /64CPU CPU VcoreVcoreKlamath PII LaterKlamath PII Later 5 pins on the CPU to inform the motherboard what sort of core voltage it needs. V

Page 8 - South Bridge

P.16 /64CPU Core FrequencyCPU Core FrequencyPLLPLL Phase Lock Loopffoutout= N * f= N * fininffin in = FSB frequency= FSB frequencyNN= Frequen

Page 9

P.17 /64CPU FSB FrequencyCPU FSB Frequencyffin in = FSB (Front Side Bus) frequency= FSB (Front Side Bus) frequencyNN= Frequency Multiplier setting=

Page 10 - ATX Power Supply

P.18 /64CPU Frequency MultiplierCPU Frequency MultiplierKlamath PIIKlamath PII Freq. Multiple can be configured by jumpers.DeschuteDeschutePII ,

Page 11 - (On board)

P.19 /64JumperSettingsBridgeASICClockGeneratorFSBJumperSettingsBridgeASICCPUFreq. MultiplierCPU Core FReqBF [0:4]FS [0:4]

Page 12 - 2. Standby Power

P.2 /64AGENDAAGENDA1. 1. ACPI states and MB ACPI states and MB BootupBootup. . 2. Determination of 2. Determination of CPU CPU VcoreVcore, , CPU Core

Page 13 - P.13 /64


Page 14

P.21 /64SAFE Mode SettingSAFE Mode Setting[ [ BF 0,1,2,3 ]BF 0,1,2,3 ]= [ H, H, H, H]= [ H, H, H, H]===> X 2===> X 2

Page 15 - P.15 /64

P.22 /64Functions in G3 state being maintained on Functions in G3 state being maintained on board by the BATT power are : board by the BATT power ar

Page 16 - CPU Core Frequency

P.23 /64CMOS CMOS Motorola 146818 RTC chipMotorola 146818 RTC chip 256-Byte CMOS Memory (SRAM) powered by BATT PIIX4 allows the short-ckt of BATT

Page 17 - CPU FSB Frequency

P.24 /64CPU Presence DetectionCPU Presence DetectionSlotSlot--1 CPU1 CPU SLOTOCC# = Slot OccupationS370 CPUS370 CPU CPUPRES# = CPU PresenceThi

Page 18 - CPU Frequency Multiplier

P.25 /64CPU Presence DetectionCPU Presence DetectionASUS ASIC 97127ASUS ASIC 97127D-Type Flip Flop

Page 19 - FS [0:4]

P.26 /64Chassis IntrusionChassis Intrusion123+5VSBBATT+3VAUXICHASICPin 64IntrusionGPIO 10ChassisChassis#

Page 20 - SAFE Mode Setting

P.27 /64Chassis IntrusionChassis Intrusion123+5VSBBATT+3VAUXICHASICPin 64IntrusionGPIO 10ChassisChassis#

Page 21

3. 3. Wake On LANWake On LANWake On RingWake On RingWake Up By KBWake Up By KBWake On USBWake On USBAC Power Loss Restart AC Power Loss Restart

Page 22 -  CMOS SRAM (in ICH)

P.29 /64POWER UP CONTROLPOWER UP CONTROLBIOS Setup BIOS Setup \\Power Power \\Power Up ControlPower Up Control AC Power Loss Restart PWR Up On ext

Page 23

1. 1. ACPI states and MB ACPI states and MB BootupBootup..

Page 24 - CPU Presence Detection

P.30 /64ICH : Wake Up EventsICH : Wake Up Events

Page 25

P.31 /64The ICH directly supports different sleep states (S1The ICH directly supports different sleep states (S1--S5), which S5), which are entered

Page 26 - Chassis Intrusion

P.32 /64S0 S0 S0S1S3S4/S5STPCLK#SLP_S3#SLP_S5#ICHSTPCLK#SLP_S3#SLP_S5#ACPI signaling of ICH ACPI signaling of ICH

Page 27

P.33 /64S0 S0 S0S1S3S4/S5STPCLK#SLP_S3#SLP_S5#ICHSTPCLK#SLP_S3#SLP_S5#ACPI signaling of ICH ACPI signaling of ICH (SUSA#)(SUSB#)(SUSC#)(SUSA,B,C# are

Page 28

P.34 /64ICHASUS ASIC(99127)ATXPower SupplyPowerButton+3V ±5V±12VSLP_S3#SLP_S5#PS-ON#10ABY000011111110NAND GateSLP_S5# (ICH)ACPI signaling of ICH ACPI


P.35 /64AC Power Loss RestartAC Power Loss RestartAC Power LossAC Power Loss1. The AC power cord was unplugged from the ATX power supply2. The AC po

Page 30 - ICH : Wake Up Events

P.36 /64ICH : AfterG3_En bit ICH : AfterG3_En bit ONON Return to S0OFFOFF Remain in S5ON ON →→OFF OFF  CPU is turned on for a while to con

Page 31 - ACPI signaling of ICH

P.37 /64WORWORWORWOR Wake On Ring RI# : Ring-Indicate signal is generated by modem to inform the system an incoming call.ModemModem1. External M

Page 32

P.38 /64Wake On RingWake On RingInternal Modem cardInternal Modem cardPCI / ISA BusRI#

Page 33

P.39 /64WORWORExternal ModemExternal ModemRS-232UARTSuper I/O+12V, -12VCMOS +5VRRI1# (COM1)RRI2# (COM2)

Page 34

P.4 /64ACPI StatesACPI StatesWhat is ACPI ? What is ACPI ?  Advanced Configuration and Power InterfaceACPI ACPI  ACPI evolves the existing col

Page 35 - AC Power Loss Restart

P.40 /64WORWORInternal Internal ModemModemWired ASIC Level ShiftRRI1#RRI2#(Before RS232 Transceiver)WOR ConnectorRI#RIIN3V Level+3VAuxWORRI#RS-232ICEx

Page 36 - ICH : AfterG3_En bit

P.41 /64WOR ( ICH )WOR ( ICH )

Page 37 - P.37 /64

P.42 /64WOLWOL+3VAuxWOL#PME+5VSBGND123WOL Connector

Page 38 - Wake On Ring

P.43 /64WOLWOLHow Wake on LAN works?How Wake on LAN works?System1w/L101System2TP_HUBSends a wake-up frame is based onMagic Packet to the system1Syst

Page 39 - External Modem

P.44 /64WOLWOLWOL#PME+5VSBGND123WOL ConnectorICHASUS ASIC(99127)ATXPower SupplyPowerButton+3V ±5V±12VSLP_S3#SLP_S5#GPIO 13PS-ON#+3VAux

Page 40 - 3V Level

P.45 /64Wake Up By PS/2 KBWake Up By PS/2 KBWake On PS/2 KBWake On PS/2 KB +5VSB (ATX Srandby Power) is supplied to PS/2 ports by jumper settingPS2

Page 41 - WOR ( ICH )

P.46 /64Wake Up By PS/2 KBWake Up By PS/2 KBICHASUS ASIC(99127)ATXPower SupplyPowerButton+3V ±5V±12VSLP_S3#SLP_S5#IOPWRBTN#LPC( Super I/O )+5VSBGPIO 8

Page 42 - P.42 /64

P.47 /64Wake On USBWake On USBWake On USBWake On USB +5VSB (ATX Srandby Power) is supplied to USB ports by jumper settingCUC2000CUC2000USBPWR123+

Page 43 - How Wake on LAN works?

P.48 /64Automatic Power UpAutomatic Power Up

Page 44 - Power Supply

P.49 /64PME# and 3.3V VPME# and 3.3V VAUXAUXof PCI 2.2 of PCI 2.2 PCI 2.2 adds two more pin definitions:PCI 2.2 adds two more pin definitions: PM

Page 45 - Wake Up By PS/2 KB

P.5 /64ACPI StatesACPI StatesGlobal System StatesGlobal System States11. G3. G3--Mechanical Off StateMechanical Off StateATX UnplugedBattery Power Onl

Page 46


Page 47 - Wake On USB

P.51 /64Power On Self TestPower On Self TestPOST POST  Power On Self TestWhen Power is ON, the CPU will be When Power is ON, the CPU will be RESE

Page 48 - Automatic Power Up

P.52 /64POST ControllerPOST ControllerPOST POST  Power On Self TestAfter the BIOS code has been completely After the BIOS code has been completel

Page 49 - PME# and 3.3V V

P.53 /64POST CodesPOST Codes

Page 50

P.54 /64Flash the BIOSFlash the BIOSAfter the POST, the BIOS will locate at F000:0000 area. After the POST, the BIOS will locate at F000:0000 area.

Page 51 - Power On Self Test

P.55 /64Flash the BIOS Flash the BIOS STEP 1STEP 1 Place the bracket on the BIOS chip socket. Then insert the bootable BIOS chip. Boot the system

Page 52 - POST Controller

P.6 /64Global System StatesGlobal System States11. . G3G3--Mechanical Off State Mechanical Off State ATX Unpluged , Battery Power Only2. 2. G2 G2 / S5

Page 53 - POST Codes

P.7 /64G0G0--Global Working StateGlobal Working StateG1G1--Global Sleeping StateGlobal Sleeping StateS1 : No system context is lost Îthe STPCLK# sign

Page 54 - Flash the BIOS

P.8 /64MB MB BootupBootupSouth Bridge(ICH, PIIX4)ASUS ASIC(97127,99127)ATXPower SupplyWake On LANWake On RingWake by PS/2 KBWake By RTCWake On USBAC P

Page 55

P.9 /6412345678910111213141516171819203.3V *3.3V *COM5VCOM5VCOMPW-OK5VSB12V3.3V *-12VCOMPS-ONCOMCOMCOM-5V5V5V* optionalSouth Bridge(ICH, PIIX4)ASUS AS

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