Chapter 6
Connecting to the Internet
Wired connection
Use an RJ-45 cable to connect your computer to a DSL/cable modem or a local area network
Connecting via a DSL/cable modem
To connect via a DSL/cable modem:
1. Set up your DSL/cable modem.
Refer to the documentation that came with your DSL/cable modem.
2. Connect one end of an RJ-45 cable to the LAN (RJ-45) port on the rear panel of your
computer and the other end to a DSL/cable modem.
RJ-45 cable
3. Turn on the DSL/cable modem and your computer.
4. Congure the necessary Internet connection settings.
• For more details, refer to the section Conguring the network connection.
• Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for details or assistance in setting up your
Internet connection.
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