華碩 Z9PE-D16 系列主板用戶手冊
FAN Speed Control [Generic Mode]
本項目讓您設置 ASUS Smart Fan 功能。此功能可智能調整風扇速度滿
足不同的系統操作需求。設置值有:[Generic Mode] [High Speed Mode]
[Full Speed Mode]
4.9 安全性菜單(Security)
• 若您忘記 BIOS 密碼,請清除 CMOS 實時鐘 (RTC) RAM 以
清除 BIOS 密碼。請參閱“2.6 跳線選擇區”一節中關於清除
RTC RAM 的說明。
• 畫面上方的 Administrator 或 User Password 項目顯示
為默認的 [Not I n s t alle d]。設置密碼後,這些項目顯示為
Set Setup Administrator
Password Description
If ONLY the Administrator's password is set,
then this only limits access to Setup and is
only asked for when entering Setup
If ONLY the User's password is set, then this
is a power on password and must be entered to
boot or enter Setup. In Setup the User will
have Administrator rights
The password length must br in the following range:
Minimum length 3
Maximum length 20
Administrator Password
User Password
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Main Advanced Server Mgmt Event Logs Boot Monitor Security Tool Exit
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