第四章:BIOS 程序設置
4.5 服務器管理菜單(Server Mgmt)
Server Mgmt 菜單顯示服務器管理狀態,並允許您變更設置。
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Main Advanced Server Mgmt Event Logs Boot Monitor Security Tool Exit
Wait for BMC response for
specied timeout In PILOTII,
BMC starts at the same time
when BIOS starts during AC
power ON. It takes arround
30 seconds to initialize
Host to BMC interfaces.
BMC Firmware: x.xx
O/S Watchdog Timer [Disabled]
O/S Wtd Timer Timeout [10 minutes]
O/S Wtd Timer Policy [Reset]
System Event Log
BMC network conguration
→←: Select Screen
↑↓: Select Item
Enter: Select Item
+/-: Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F2: Previous Values
F5: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save & Exit
ESC: Exit
Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
O/S Watchdog Timer [Disabled]
若設為開啟,開始 BIOS 計時器,這個計時器在加載操作系統後由 Intel
管理軟件關閉。幫助決定操作系統成功加載或遵守“O/S Boot Watchdog
TImer Policy”。設置值有:[Enabled] [Disabled]
Server Mgmt 菜單只有在主板上安裝了 ASMB 卡之後才會出現。
O/S Wtd Timer Timeout [10 minutes]
允許您設置 O/S B o ot W at ch d og T i me r 的長度。若【O/S Bo ot
Watchdog Timer】設為 [Disabled],此項目不可用。
設置值有:[5 minutes] [10 minutes] [15 minutes] [20 minutes]
O/S Wtd Timer Policy [Reset]
允許您設置 OS Boot Watchdog Timer 過期後,系統該如何反應。若
【O/S Boot Watchdog Timer】設為 [Disabled],此項目不可用。
設置值有:[Do Nothing] [Reset] [Power Down]
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