ASUS H81T R2.0
Save to Profile
Allows you to save the current BIOS settings to the BIOS Flash, and create a prole. Key in a
prole number from one to eight, press <Enter>, and then select Yes.
Load from Profile
Allows you to load the previous BIOS settings saved in the BIOS Flash. Key in the prole
number that saved your CMOS settings, press <Enter>, and then select Yes.
• DO NOT shut down or reset the system while updating the BIOS to prevent the
system boot failure!
• We recommend that you update the BIOS le only coming from the same memory/
CPU conguration and BIOS version.
Load/Save CMOS Profile from/to USB Drive
Allows you to load/save CMOS prole from/to USB drive.
2.9.3 ASUS SPD Information
DIMM Slot # [DIMM_A1]
Displays the Serial Presence Detect (SPD) information of the DIMM module installed on the
selected slot. Conguration options: [DIMM_A1] [DIMM_B1]
2.10 Exit menu
The Exit menu items allow you to load the optimal default values for the BIOS items, and
save or discard your changes to the BIOS items. You can access the EZ Mode from the Exit
Load Optimized Defaults
This option allows you to load the default values for each of the parameters on the Setup
menus. When you select this option or if you press <F5>, a conrmation window appears.
Select Yes to load the default values.
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