Asus RS161-E4/PA2 User Manual Page 37

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2-21ASUS RS161-E4/PA2
2.9.3 Device fan with dummy case
The device fan for the memory module(s) comes with a dummy case that
allows it to t in the fan cage. Follow these instructions when replacing this
1. Uninstall the fan following the instructions in the previous section.
2. P u l l t h e d u m m y c a s e t o t h e
d i r e c t i o n o f t h e a r r o w t o
di seng age its p egs fr om t h e
device fan.
3. Replace the device fan.
To reinstall the device fan with the dummy case:
1. Insert the dummy case pegs into
to the device fan holes until they
t in place.
2. The device fan and dummy case
look like this when put together
3. R e i n s t a l l t h e d e v i c e f a n b y
following the instructions in the
previous section.
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