Asus TW510-E2 User Manual Page 58

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Chapter 2: Hardware setupChapter 2: Hardware setup
Chapter 2: Hardware setupChapter 2: Hardware setup
Chapter 2: Hardware setup
Chassis footpads and roller wheelsChassis footpads and roller wheels
Chassis footpads and roller wheelsChassis footpads and roller wheels
Chassis footpads and roller wheels
The barebone server system is shipped with four footpads attached to the
bottom of the chassis for stability. You need to remove these footpads if:
if you want to replace the footpads with the bundled roller wheels
you wish to install the system to a rack
(Refer to “Chapter 3: Installation options” of this user guide, and to the
“Rackmount Kit” user guide for instructions.)
To remove the footpads:
1. Lay the system chassis on its
2. Use a flat screwdriver to flip out
the inside layer of a footpad.
3. Remove the footpad by rotating
it counterclockwise.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to remove
the other three footpads.
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