GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 1 華華碩碩電電腦腦 ASUS M930 Level 3 4 Trouble shooting Guide Ver 1.0
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 10華華碩碩電電腦腦 2. SYSTEM Can’t Boot The main of the reason always focus on the component short and incorrect Po
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 11華華碩碩電電腦腦 Figure 3. Power On Sequence 1.2 Others1.2 Others1.2 O
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 12華華碩碩電電腦腦 4. Figure 4. PMU-01
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 13華華碩碩電電腦腦 3. MMI Test item 4444.1 .1 .1 .1 MicroMicroMicroMicro SD Test SD Test SD Test SD Test The
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 14華華碩碩電電腦腦 4444.3 .3 .3 .3 Display TestDisplay TestDisplay TestDisplay Test The test item will focus LCM
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 15華華碩碩電電腦腦 4444.4 .4 .4 .4 Vibrator TestVibrator TestVibrator TestVibrator Test If the vibrator can not w
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 16華華碩碩電電腦腦 Figure 9. Indication LED Circuit -01 Figure 10. Indication LED Circuit -02 4444.6 .6 .6
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 17華華碩碩電電腦腦 ii. V_IO 1.8V, CON2 Pin6 iii. 2M camera and VGA common signal bus KEY_I2C_SCL、KEY_I2C
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 18華華碩碩電電腦腦 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 Audio TeAudio TeAudio TeAudio Testststst 4.8.1 Headset fail Visual inspection
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 19華華碩碩電電腦腦 Figure 13. Headset Circuit - 02 4.8.2 Speaker Most defective always related to the Speaker itse
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 2 華華碩碩電電腦腦 CONTENT 1. OVER VIEW...
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 20華華碩碩電電腦腦 4.8.3 On-Board Microphone can’t record If recording quality is poor U15 NG. If recording funct
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 21華華碩碩電電腦腦 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 Keypad TestKeypad TestKeypad TestKeypad Test Keypad is constructed by board-le
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 22華華碩碩電電腦腦 4.9.3 Internal Qwerty Keypad The signal control by U31. If you have any problem, try to check sol
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 23華華碩碩電電腦腦 Figure 19. BT UART switch circuit 4.11 4.11 4.11 4.11 WiFi TestWiFi TestWiFi TestWiFi Test
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 24華華碩碩電電腦腦 Figure 21. WiFi circuit
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 25華華碩碩電電腦腦 5. Phone Off In the Vega2, the modem switch is control by CPU via UART/SPI interface command. It
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 26華華碩碩電電腦腦 Figure 23. Modem RTC circuit 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 Modem to System interfaceModem to System inter
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 27華華碩碩電電腦腦 Figure 25. Modem/CPU interface
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 28華華碩碩電電腦腦 6. Power consumption We will support two mode to check our device in the power cons
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 29華華碩碩電電腦腦 7. RF Repair requirement 7.1 Software req7.1 Software req7.1 Software req7.1 Software requir
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 3 華華碩碩電電腦腦 5. PHONE OFF...
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 30華華碩碩電電腦腦 8. Block Diagram 8888.1 .1 .1 .1 RF Block Diagram of RF Block Diagram of RF Block Diagram of RF B
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 31華華碩碩電電腦腦 8.2 GSM/GPRS/EDGE(EGG) Block Diagram Key Components TX- RX FEM (U801) 1. Quad-Band GSM/G
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 32華華碩碩電電腦腦 RXSAW Filters 1. 850::::BPF800 (BG) 2. 900::::BPF801 (TA) 3. 1800::::BPF803 (SW) 4.1900::::BPF
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 33華華碩碩電電腦腦 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 WCDMA Block DiagramWCDMA Block DiagramWCDMA Block DiagramWCDMA Block Diagram K
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 34華華碩碩電電腦腦 9. GSM & WCDMA RF Tx/Rx Path 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 Backside Antenna Area Backside Antenna Area Back
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 35華華碩碩電電腦腦 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 EGG EGG EGG EGG TTTT /R/R/R/R Path Path Path Path Tx LB Path Tx HB
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 36華華碩碩電電腦腦 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 WCDMA WCDMA WCDMA WCDMA TTTT /R/R/R/R Path Path Path Path Rx Path
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 37華華碩碩電電腦腦 10. Test & Repair Flow Chart Conductive & Antenna TestConductive &
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 38華華碩碩電電腦腦 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 GSM/GPRSGSM/GPRSGSM/GPRSGSM/GPRS/EDGE /EDGE /EDGE /EDGE Test & Repair Pr
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 39華華碩碩電電腦腦 2. Placement on the PCB 3. On the oscilloscope screen (If there is not any wave to appear, pleas
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 4 華華碩碩電電腦腦 APPENDIX A ...
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 40華華碩碩電電腦腦 4. Truth table of the circuit diagram (‘1’ is 1.8V & ‘0’ is near 0.2V) Vapc only e
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 41華華碩碩電電腦腦 10.3 EGG TX Path10.3 EGG TX Path10.3 EGG TX Path10.3 EGG TX Path In M930 because PA has alrea
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 42華華碩碩電電腦腦 10.3.1 Probe 10.3.2 Placement on the PCB 0603 1µF/16V Fig2 A 0603 1µF/16V
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 43華華碩碩電電腦腦 10.3.3 Measurement Result EGSM900 Ch62 DCS1800 Ch700
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 44華華碩碩電電腦腦 Enlarge the TX of Fig2(振幅:amplitude & 寬度:width) Range of Vapc is as f
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 45華華碩碩電電腦腦 10.4 EGG RX10.4 EGG RX10.4 EGG RX10.4 EGG RX Because there are only four filters on RX
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 46華華碩碩電電腦腦 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 GSM/GPRSGSM/GPRSGSM/GPRSGSM/GPRS/EDGE/EDGE/EDGE/EDGE RepairRepairRepairRep
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 47華華碩碩電電腦腦 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 WCDMA Test & Repair ProcedureWCDMA Test & Repair ProcedureWCDMA Test
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 48華華碩碩電電腦腦 10.7 WCDMA TX10.7 WCDMA TX10.7 WCDMA TX10.7 WCDMA TX Before repairing, please confirm one
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 49華華碩碩電電腦腦 Using probe (Fig2) to check TX SAW Filter output (R912), can see a WCDMA signal. Pay attention to
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 5 華華碩碩電電腦腦 Forward The purpose of the troubleshooting guide just implement for the failure on the MMI Testin
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 50華華碩碩電電腦腦 Check Duplexer output (R920) Pay attention to this value only for confirming whether the compone
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 51華華碩碩電電腦腦 RF3100 has two RF _ DAC must be paid attention to:RF_DAC1 and RF_DAC2. DAC1 gives PA, and DAC2 gi
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 52華華碩碩電電腦腦 Check WPOW_SENSE (U910 input) = PA output power - 20dBm : Coupling is 20dB. Check power detect
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 53華華碩碩電電腦腦 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 WCDMA RXWCDMA RXWCDMA RXWCDMA RX Finally, we will analysis the RX characte
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 54華華碩碩電電腦腦 10.9 WCDMA 10.9 WCDMA 10.9 WCDMA 10.9 WCDMA Test & Repair ProcedureTest & Repair Procedur
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 55華華碩碩電電腦腦 Appendix Appendix AAppendix AAppendix AAppendix A Appendix BAppendix BAppendix BAppendix
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 56華華碩碩電電腦腦 Appendix CAppendix CAppendix CAppendix C 1. Introduction This document describes the operating
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 57華華碩碩電電腦腦 Step 3 It will show the following dialog , click “確定” to continue. Step 4 It will show the f
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 58華華碩碩電電腦腦 Step 6 If the following dialog appeared, it represents Set Slot ID successfully. 3. Switch
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 59華華碩碩電電腦腦 Step 2 Choose Function->TP Mode, and click it to make the DUT switch into TP mode. Step 3 I
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 6 華華碩碩電電腦腦 Power Domain Power Domain Power Domain Power Domain BlockBlockBlockBlock Figure
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 60華華碩碩電電腦腦 Step 4 If the following dialog appeared, it represents DUT switched into TP mode successfully.
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 61華華碩碩電電腦腦 4. Operating Method GSM PART Step 1 The E-Tool V1.0 dialog box will show when you execute P_E_too
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 62華華碩碩電電腦腦 Choice comport number to communicate with M930 (seen by computer). Step 4 Chose which TP comma
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 63華華碩碩電電腦腦 Set GSM Switched RX Reset the GSM Radio
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 64華華碩碩電電腦腦 WCDMA PART Step 1 The E-Tool V1.0 dialog box will show when you execute P_E_tool.exe. Step 2
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 65華華碩碩電電腦腦 Step 3 Choice comport umber to communicate with M930. Step 4 Choice Band MODE to send the TP c
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 66華華碩碩電電腦腦 POWER Sense ADC Read Result is showed as below
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 67華華碩碩電電腦腦 Step 5 Reset WCDMA Radio
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 7 華華碩碩電電腦腦 1.3 Placement TOP View1.3 Placement TOP View1.3 Placement TOP View1.3 Placement TOP View
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 8 華華碩碩電電腦腦 1.4 Placem1.4 Placem1.4 Placem1.4 Placement Bottom Viewent Bottom Viewent Bottom Viewent Bottom V
GTC Service Manual ASUS Proprietary 9 華華碩碩電電腦腦 1.5 Specification1.5 Specification1.5 Specification1.5 Specification
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