Asus P8H61-M EVO User Manual Page 49

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Chapter 2: BIOS information 2-5
2. The BIOS Updater backup screen appears indicating the BIOS backup process. When
BIOS backup is done, press any key to return to the DOS prompt.
D:\>bupdater /oOLDBIOS1.rom
Filename Extension
Backing up the current BIOS
To backup the current BIOS le using the BIOS Updater
Ensure that the USB ash drive is not write-protected and has at least 4096KB free space
to save the le.
1. At the FreeDOS prompt, type bupdater /o[lename] and press <Enter>.
The [lename] is any user-assigned lename with no more than eight alphanumeric
characters for the lename and three alphanumeric characters for the extension.
ASUSTek BIOS Updater for DOS V1.07
Current ROM
Update ROM
Saving BIOS:
VER: 0301
DATE: 03/28/2011
BOARD: Unknown
VER: Unknown
DATE: Unknown
BIOS backup is done! Press any key to continue.
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