Asus H61M-G Specifications Page 40

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Chapter 2: Getting started
2.4 Ai Tweaker menu
The Ai Tweaker menu items allow you to congure overclocking-related items.
Be cautious when changing the settings of the Ai Tweaker menu items. Incorrect eld
values can cause the system to malfunction.
The conguration options for this section vary depending on the CPU and DIMM model you
installed on the motherboard.
Target CPU Turbo-Mode Speed : xxxxMHz
Displays the target CPU Turbo-Mode speed.
Target DRAM Speed : xxxxMHz
Displays the target DRAM speed.
2.4.1 Memory Frequency [Auto]
Allows you to set the memory operating frequency. Conguration options: [Auto] [DDR3-
800MHz] [DDR3-1066MHz] [DDR3-1333MHz] [DDR3-1400MHz] [DDR3-1600MHz] [DDR3-
1866MHz] [DDR3-2133MHz] [DDR3-2400MHz]
The conguration options vary with the CPU types installed on the system.
Selecting a very high memory frequency may cause the system to become unstable! If this
happens, revert to the default setting.
E8188_H61M_G_manual.indb 12 2/12/14 2:57:51 PM
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