36 Chapter 3: Using Windows
Other keyboard shortcuts
Using your keyboard, you can also use the following shortcuts to help you launch applications
and navigate Windows
Switches between the Start screen and the last running app.
+ <D>
Launches the desktop.
+ <E>
Launches the Computer window on the desktop.
+ <F>
Opens the File search pane.
+ <H>
Opens the Share pane.
+ <I>
Opens the Settings pane.
+ <K>
Opens the Devices pane.
+ <L>
Activates the Lock screen.
+ <M>
Minimizes the Internet Explorer window.
+ <P>
Opens the Second screen pane.
+ <Q>
Opens the Apps search pane.
+ <R>
Opens the Run window.
+ <U>
Opens Ease of Access Center.
+ <W>
Opens the Settings search pane.
+ <X>
Opens a menu box of Windows tools
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