Asus A7N8X-LA User Manual Page 38

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ASUS A7N8X Motherboard
System Date [mm/dd/yy]
Sets the system to the date that you specify (usually the current date). The format is
month, day, year. Valid values for month, day, and year are Month: (1 to 12), Day: (1
to 31), Year: (up to 2084). Use the <Tab> or <Shift> + <Tab> keys to move between
the month, day, and year fields.
System Time [hh:mm:ss]
Sets the system to the time that you specify (usually the current time). The format is
hour, minute, second. Valid values for hour, minute and second are Hour: (00 to 23),
Minute: (00 to 59), Second: (00 to 59). Use the <Tab> or <Shift> + <Tab> keys to
move between the hour, minute, and second fields.
Legacy Diskette A [1.44M, 3.5 in.]
Sets the type of floppy drive installed. Configuration options: [None] [360K, 5.25 in.]
[1.2M , 5.25 in.] [720K , 3.5 in.] [1.44M, 3.5 in.] [2.88M, 3.5 in.]
Legacy Diskette B [None]
Sets the type of floppy drive installed. Configuration options: [None] [360K, 5.25 in.]
[1.2M , 5.25 in.] [720K , 3.5 in.] [1.44M, 3.5 in.] [2.88M, 3.5 in.]
Halt On [All Errors]
This field sets the system to halt on errors according to the system functions specified
in each option. Configuration options: [All Errors] [No Errors] [All, But Keyboard] [All
, But Diskette] [All, But Disk/Key]
2.3 Main Menu
When you enter the Setup program, the following screen appears.
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