Asus A7N8X-LA User Manual Page 43

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Chapter 2: BIOS Setup
2.4.1 Advanced BIOS Features
Boot Virus Detection [Disabled]
This field disables boot virus protection by default. Configuration options: [Enabled]
CPU Level 1, Level 2 Cache [Enabled]
These fields enables the CPU levels 1 and 2 cache by default.
Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]
Quick Power On Self Test [Enabled]
This field enables the power on test. Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]
First Boot Device [Floppy]
This field sets the priority of the first boot device; by default, the system boots up on
the floppy diskette drive. Configuration options: [Floppy] [LS120] [HDD] [SCSI]
[CDROM] [ZIP100] [LAN] [Disabled]
Second Boot Device [HDD]
This field sets the priority of the second boot device; by default, the system boots up
on the hard disk driver if the floppy drive is not present. Configuration options: [Floppy]
[LS120] [HDD] [SCSI] [CDROM] [ZIP100] [LAN] [Disabled]
Third Boot Device [LS120]
This field sets the priority of the third boot device; by default, the system boots up on
the LS120 if the flopyy and hard disk drive are not present. Configuration options:
[Floppy] [LS120] [HDD] [SCSI] [CDROM] [ZIP100] [LAN] [Disabled]
Boot Other Device [Enabled]
By default, this field enables the detection of other devices, aside from the first three
priority devices. Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]
Boot-up Floppy Seek [Enabled]
If enabled, this field speeds up the Power On Self Test (POST) routine by skipping
and retesting several times. Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]
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