Asus K8V-VM Ultra User's Guide Page 55

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AS US K8 V- VM Ultr a 2- 19
CMD-A DDR Ti min g M ode [2T]
Configuration options: [1T] [2T]
ECC Configuration
DRA M E CC Ena ble [D isa ble d]
Allows you to enable or disable the DRAM ECC.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
ECC Configuration
DRAM ECC Enable [Disabled]
L2 Cache BG Scrub [Disabled]
Data Cache BG Scrub [Disabled]
MCA DRA M ECC Lo ggi ng [D isa ble d]
Enables or disables the MCA DRAM ECC logging.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
ECC C hip Ki ll [D isa ble d]
Enables or disables the ECC Chip Kill function.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Enables or disables the DRAM SCRUB REDIRECT.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
DRAM ECC allows
hardware to report
and correct memory
errors automatically
maintaining system
Bur st Len gth [4 Be ats ]
Sets the operating burst length.
Configuration options: [8 Beats] [4 Beats] [2 Beats]
Sof twa re Mem ory Ho le [En abl ed]
Enables or disables the software memory hole.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
DDR Re fer enc e Volt age [A uto ]
Sets the DDR reference voltage.
Configuration options: [Auto] [2.6V] [2.5]
The following item appears when the DRAM ECC item is set to [Enabled].
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