Asus P5L-MX User Manual Page 70

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2-24 Kapitel 2: BIOS-Setup
DRAM Write Recovery Time [4 Clocks]
Dieser Parameter legt die Schreibauffrischzeit fest.
Kon gurationsoptionen: [2 Clocks] [3 Clocks] [4 Clocks] [5 Clocks] [6 Clocks]
Hyper Path 3 [Auto]
Stellen Sie dieses Element auf [Enabled] ein, um Engpässe bei der
Speicherbandbreite zu vermeiden. Setzen Sie es für einen sicheren Betrieb auf
[Disabled]. Kon gurationsoptionen: [Auto] [Disabled] [Enabled]
DRAM Throttling Threshold [Auto]
Aktivieren Sie DRAM Thermal Throttling, um Ihr System noch stabiler zu machen.
Kon gurationsoptionen: [Disabled] [Auto]
Booting Graphic Adapter Priority [PCI Express/Int-VGA]
Hier können Sie einen Gra k-Controller als primäres Bootgerät auswählen.
Kon gurationsoptionen: [Internal VGA] [PCI Express/Int-VGA]
[PCI Express/PCI] [PCI/PCI Express] [PCI/Int-VGA]
Internal Graphics Mode Select [Enabled, 8MB]
Legt den internen Gra kmodus fest.
Kon gurationsoptionen: [Disabled] [Enabled, 1MB] [Enabled, 8MB]
Graphics memory type [Auto]
Legt den Gra kspeichertyp fest.
Kon gurationsoptionen: [Auto] [DVMT] [FIX] [DVMT+FIX]
Boot Display Device [Auto]
Kon gurationsoptionen: [Auto] [CRT on Port 0] [LFP on Port 2] [LFP on Port
3] [DFP on Port 2] [DFP on Port 3] [TV on Port 2] [TV on Port 3] [CRT-Port 0
& CRT-Port 2] [CRT-Port 0 & CRT-Port 2] [CRT-Port 0 & LFP-Port 2] [CRT-
Port 0 & LFP-Port 3] [CRT-Port 0 & DFP-Port 2] [CRT-Port 0 & DFP-Port 3]
[DFP-Port 2 & DFP-Port 3]
Flat Panel Type [Type 1]
Kon gurationsoptionen: [Type 1] [Type 2] ~ [Type 16]
Local Flat Panel Scalig [Auto]
Kon gurationsoptionen: [Auto] [Forced Scaling] [Disabled]
TV Connector [Auto]
Kon gurationsoptionen: [Auto] [Composite] [Component] [Composite &
Component] [SCART Composite] [SCART Component] [SCART Compos
& Compon] [SCART Compos & Compon RGB] [HDTV Serial] [HDTV
Component] [HDTV Component RGB] [HDTV PnP HDMI]
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