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ASUS I220GC 2-23
2.4.4 Chipset
The Chipset menu allows you to change the advanced chipset settings. Select an
item then press <Enter> to display the sub-menu.
Enter Go to Sub Screen
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
v02.58 (C)Copyright 1985-2007, American Megatrends, Inc.
PEG Root Control [Auto]
Slot Power [Auto]
High Priority Port Select [Disabled]
Select Screen
Select Item
Change Field
Enter Go to Sub Screen
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
Enable or Disable
Congure DRAM Timing
by SPD
Advanced Chipset Settings
Congure DRAM Timing by SPD [Enabled]
Hyper Path 3 [Auto]
DRAM Throttling Threshold [Auto]
Boot Graphic Adapter Priority [PCI Express/Int]
Internal Graphics Mode Select [Enabled, 8MB]
DVMT Mode Select [DVMT Model]
DVMT/FIXED Memory [128MB]
Boot Display Device [Auto]
TV Connector [Auto]
HDTV Output [Auto]
TV Standard [VBIOS-Default]
PEG Buffer Length [Auto]
Link Latency [Auto]
Congure DRAM Timing by SPD [Enabled]
When this item is enabled, the DRAM timing parameters are set according to the
DRAM SPD (Serial Presence Detect). When disabled, you can manually set the
DRAM timing parameters through the DRAM sub-items. The following sub-items
appear when this item is Disabled. Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
DRAM CAS# Latency [5 Clocks]
Controls the latency between the SDRAM read command and the time the
data actually becomes available.
Conguration options: [6 Clocks] [5 Clocks] [4 Clocks] [3 Clocks]
DRAM RAS# Precharge [4 Clocks]
Controls the idle clocks after issuing a precharge command to the DDR
SDRAM. Conguration options: [2 Clocks] [3 Clocks] [4 Clocks] [5 Clocks]
[6 Clocks]
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay [4 Clocks]
Controls the latency between the DDR SDRAM active command and the
read/write command. Conguration options: [2 Clocks] [3 Clocks] [4 Clocks]
[5 Clocks] [6 Clocks]
DRAM RAS# Activate to Precharge [15 Clocks]
Sets the RAS Activate timing to Precharge timing.
Conguration options: [4 Clock] [5 Clocks] ~ [18 Clocks]
DRAM Write Recovery Time [4 Clocks]
Sets the DRAM Write Recover Time. Conguration options: [2 Clocks] [3
Clocks] [4 Clocks] [5 Clocks] [6 Clocks]
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