Asus PP-DLW User's Guide Page 77

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ASUS PP-DLW motherboard user guide
Bootup Num-Lock [On]
Allows you to select the power-on state for the NumLock. Configuration
options: [Off] [On]
PS/2 Mouse Support [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable support fr PS/2 mouse. Configuration
options: [Disabled] [enabled]
Typematic Rate [Fast]
Allows you to select the keyboard typematic rate. Configuration options:
[Slow] [Fast]
System Keyboard [Present]
Allows you to enable or disable the keyboard/s connected to the system
[Absent] [Present]
Boot to OS/2 [No]
Allows you to specify the OS/2 compatibility mode. Configuration options:
[No] [Yes]
Wait for ‘F1’ If Error [Enabled]
When set to Enabled, the system waits for F1 key to be pressed when
error occurs. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Hit ‘DEL Message Display [Enabled]
When set to Enabled, the system displays the message Press DEL to run
Setup during POST. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
When set to [Enabled], this function allows the option ROMs to trap
Interrupt 19. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
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