Asus P7H55/USB3 User Manual Page 49

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ASUS P7H55/USB3 2-9
2.4.2 Ai Overclock Tuner [Auto]
Allows selection of CPU overclocking options to achieve desired CPU internal frequency.
Select either one of the preset overclocking conguration options:
Manual Allows you to individually set overclocking parameters.
Auto Loads the optimal settings for the system.
D.O.C.P Overclocks DRAM frequency by adjusting BCLK frequency.
X.M.P. If you install memory module(s) supporting the eXtreme Memory Prole (X.M.P.)
Technology, choose this item to set the prole(s) supported by your memory
module(s) for optimizing the system performance.
CPU Level UP Loads settings for using CPU Level UP.
The conguration options for the following sub-item vary depending on the DIMMs you
install on the motherboard.
DRAM O.C. Profile [DDR3-1800MHz]
This item appears only when you set the Ai Overclock Tuner item to [D.O.C.P.] and
allows you to select a DRAM O.C. prole, which applies different settings to DRAM
frequency, DRAM timing and DRAM voltage.
Conguration options: [DDR3-1800MHz] [DDR3-1866MHz] [DDR3-2000MHz] [DDR3-
2133MHz] [DDR3-2200MHz]
DRAM Frequency
Lynneld CPU Frequency (GHz)
Clarkdale CPU
Frequency (GHz)
2.66 2.8 2.93 2.8 Others
1333 Auto Auto Auto D.O.C.P. Auto
1600 D.O.C.P. Auto Auto D.O.C.P. D.O.C.P.
Above 1600 D.O.C.P. D.O.C.P. D.O.C.P. N/A N/A
When using DIMMs with a frequncy higher than the Intel
CPU spec, use this ASUS
exclusive DRAM O.C. Prole function to overclock the DRAM.
Adjust BCLK frequency to obtain a better performance after applying the D.O.C.P
eXtreme Memory Profile [High Performance]
This item appears only when you set the Ai Overclock Tuner item to [X.M.P.] and
allows you to select the X.M.P. mode supported by your memory module.
Conguration options: [Prole #1] [Prole #2]
To obtain the best performance of the X.M.P. DIMM or 1600MHz DIMM, install only one
DIMM on each memory channel.
2.4.3 CPU Ratio Setting [Auto]
Allows you to adjust the ratio between CPU Core Clock and BCLK Frequency. Use the <+>
and <-> keys to adjust the value. The valid value ranges differently according to your CPU
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