Power button. Press this button to turn on your computer.
USB 3.0 ports. These Universal Serial Bus 3.0 (USB 3.0) ports connect to USB 3.0 devices
such as a mouse, printer, scanner, camera, PDA, and others.
• DONOTconnectakeyboard/mousetoanyUSB3.0portwheninstallingaWindows
operating system.
• DuetoUSB3.0controllerlimitations,USB3.0devicescanonlybeusedunderaWindows
OS environment and after USB 3.0 driver installation.
• USB3.0devicescanbeusedfordatastorageonly.
• WestronglyrecommendthatyouconnectUSB3.0devicestoUSB3.0portsforafasterand
better performance for your USB 3.0 devices.
Microphone port. This port connects to a microphone.
Headphone port. This port connects to a headphone or speaker.
HDD LED. This LED lights up when the hard disk drive operates.
Front panel
12 Chapter 1: Getting started
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