Asus WL-500g User Manual Page 30

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Create dropbear security keys
To set up dropbear, you first need to create a directory for the key files, and then need to create
these keys:
mkdir /opt/etc/dropbear
dropbearkey -t dss -f /opt/etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key
dropbearkey -t rsa -f /opt/etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key
Create dropbear start-on-boot script
Then create the script to start dropbear on boot:
# S51dropbear
# start dropbear
# kill already running instances
killall dropbear
# start, using config from /opt/etc/dropbear
dropbear -d /opt/etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key -r
Then make this script executable with
chmod +x /opt/etc/init.d/S51dropbear
You'll need to reboot the Asus, or run this script manually, to start dropbear.
Starting a terminal session using ssh: PuTTY
This allows you to do the same as you would normally do in a telnet session, but through ssh, for
added security.
If you are using PuTTY, then
a) For Host Name, enter the IP address of the Asus
b) For Protocol, select SSH
c) Click Open to connect
You will be prompted to save the server's key fingerprint in the registry. Select "Yes" here, and you
won't get this prompt the next time you connect. Or select "No" and you'll get the prompt every
As with a Telnet session, you'll be prompted for your user ID and password.
Starting a terminal session using ssh: Cygwin/OpenSSH
If you are using command-line ssh (eg you have Cygwin and OpenSSH installed), then simply type.
Change the IP address to match that of your Asus, and if you’re not using the default admin
user ID change that as well. If you are trying to connect through a remote internet-connected
PC, replace the IP address with the public IP address of your ADSL modem/router.
You'll be prompted to log in in the normal way. You also may be asked whether you trust the
server, answer yes to this.
Using ssh tunnelling to connect to your Asus: PuTTY
The following configuration will map the localhost:1234 address to port 80 on your Asus, ie http,
through a secure ssh tunnel.
a) For Host Name, put the IP address of your Asus. If you are connecting through a remote,
internet-connected PC, put the IP address of your ADSL modem/router
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