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ASUS Storage DS300j User Manual
To view the current settings:
At the cli> prompt, type cable and press Enter.
The system returns:
CN#1 Cable Length = 1 meter
CN#2 Cable Length = 1 meter
To set Expansion connector CN2 for a 3-meter cable:
At the cli> prompt, type cable -a mod -s “cn2=3” and press Enter.
The system returns:
Cable length of connector 2 is set to 3
Enclosure Command
The Enclosure command:
Enables you to reboot the ASUS Storage enclosure (below)
Displays information about the ASUS Storage enclosure (page 23)
Enables you to make enclosure settings (page 24)
Rebooting the Controller
A controller reboot does NOT meet the system restart
requirements for a firmware upgrade.
You can reboot just the controller (I/O module). This action might be needed to
help with setting changes on the ASUS Storage DS300j.
To reboot the only the controller:
1. Verify that no data I/O activity is in progress.
2. At the cli> prompt, type enclosure -a mod -s “reboot=1and press Enter.
When the cli> prompt reappears, the controller has rebooted.
To reboot the entire DS300j unit:
1. Verify that no data I/O activity is in progress.
2. Turn the power supply switch (switches) OFF.
3. Wait 10 seconds.
4. Turn the power supply switch (switches) ON.
See page 23, Figure 5.
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