To set the controller critical temperature to 61°C (141°F):
At the cli> prompt, type enclosure -a mod -s “ctrl_critical=90” and press
Critical temperature range is 75° to 90°C (172° to 194°F)
To enable Thermal Management:
At the cli> prompt, type enclosure -a mod -s “thermalmanager=1” and
press Enter.
For this command, a 1 enables and a 0 disables.
To enable Automatic Shutdown:
At the cli> prompt, type enclosure -a mod -s “allowshutdown=1” and
press Enter.
For this command, a 1 enables and a 0 disables.
ASUS recommends that you keep Automatic Shutdown enabled
at all times.
To set the minimum fan speed to medium high:
At the cli> prompt, type enclosure -a mod -s “minfanspeed=3” and press
For this command:
• 1 means low
• 2 means medium-low
• 3 means medium-high
• 4 means high
The actual speed depends on the fan manufacturer.
Factory Default Command
The factory default command enables you to restore factory default settings in
the ASUS Storage DS300j unit.
To restore the enclosure to the default settings:
At the cli> prompt, type factorydefault -a mod -s “default=1” and press
Or, at the cli> prompt, type factorydefaults and press Enter.
When the cli> prompt appears again, all settings have been restored to the
default values.
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