Asus ASMB6-iKVM User Manual Page 26

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2-8 Chapter 2: Installation
2.4 BIOS conguration
You need to adjust the settings in the BIOS setup of the remote server for correct
conguration and connection to the central server.
Update the remote server BIOS le following the instructions in the
motherboard/system user guide. Visit the ASUS website (
to download the latest BIOS le for the motherboard.
The BIOS setup screens shown in this section are for reference purposes
only, and may not exactly match what you see on your screen.
2.4.1 Running the BIOS BMC conguration
To congure the BMC in the BIOS:
1. Restart the remote server, then press <Del> during POST to enter the BIOS
2. Go to the
Server Mgmt menu, then select the BMC network conguration
sub-menu. Use this sub-menu to congure the BMC settings.
3. When nished, press <F10> to save your changes and exit the BIOS setup.
2.4.2 BMC network conguration
Allows you to set the BMC LAN Parameter settings.
: S elec t Sc reen
: Sel ect Item
Ente r: S elec t
+/: C hang e Op t.
F1: Gene ral Help
F9: Opti mize d De faul ts
F10: Sa ve ES C: Exit
Vers ion 2.01 .120 4. C opyr ight (C) 201 0 Am eric an M egat rend s, I nc.
Ap tio Setu p Ut ilit y - Copy righ t (C ) 20 10 A meri can Mega tren ds, Inc.
Ma in Ser ver Mgmt Even t Lo gs Ad vanc ed Mo nito r Boo t Too l Exi t
B MC F irmw are Vers ion : 1.0 2
F RB-2 Tim er t imeo ut [6 m inut es]
F RB-2 Tim er P olic y [Res et]
O /S W atch dog Time r [Dis able d]
O /S W td T imer Tim eout [10 min utes ]
O /S W td T imer Pol icy [Res et]
Sys tem Even t Lo g
BMC net work con figu rati on
E n a bl e / D i sa bl e i n t e r f a ce s t o
comm unic ate with BMC .
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