Configuration Source [Previous State]
Allows you to select the IP address source type. Set the LAN channel
parameters statically or dynamically.
The following items are available when you set Conguration Source to
Station IP Address
Allows you to set the BMC IP address.
Subnet Mask
Allows you to set the BMC subnet mask. We recommend that you use the same
Subnet Mask you have specied on the operating system network for the used
network card.
Gateway IP Address
Allows you to set the Gateway IP address.
Router MAC Address
Allows you to set the Router MAC address.
: S elec t Sc reen
: Sel ect Item
Ente r: S elec t
+/—: C hang e Op t.
F1: Gene ral Help
F9: Opti mize d De faul ts
F10: Sa ve ES C: Exit
Vers ion 2.01 .120 4. C opyr ight (C) 201 0 Am eric an M egat rend s, I nc.
Ap tio Setu p Ut ilit y - Copy righ t (C ) 20 10 A meri can Mega tren ds, Inc.
Serv er M gmt
B MC n etwo rk c onfi gura tion
D M_LA N1 I P Ad dres s in BMC : 000. 000. 000. 000
D M_LA N1 S ubne t Ma sk i n BM C : 000. 000. 000. 000
D M_LA N1 G atew ay A ddre ss i n BM C : 000. 000. 000. 000
D M_LA N1 M AC A ddre ss i n BM C : 90.E 6.BA .0A. 20.B A
Co nfig urat ion sour ce [Pre viou s St ate]
L an1
L an1 IP A ddre ss i n BM C : 000. 000. 000. 000
L an1 Subn et M ask in B MC : 000.0 00.0 00.0 00
L an1 Gate way Addr ess in B MC : 000. 000. 000. 000
L an1 MAC Addr ess in B MC : 90.E 6.BA .0A. 20.B A
Co nfig urat ion sour ce [Pre viou s St ate]
Sele ct t o co nfig ure LAN chan nel
para mete rs s tati call y or
dyna mica lly( DHCP ). D o no thin g
opti on w ill not modi fy a ny B MC
netw ork p arame ters durin g BI OS
phas e.
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