Asus ASMB6-iKVM User Manual Page 28

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2-10 Chapter 2: Installation
2.4.3 System Event Log
Allows you to view all the events in the BMC event log. It will take a maximum of 15
seconds to read all the BMC SEL records.
SEL Components [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable all features of system event log during
The following items become congurable when you set SEL Components to
Erase SEL [No]
Allows you to select how to erase SEL.
Conguration options: [No] [Yes, On next reset] [Yes, On every reset]
When SEL is Full [Do Nothing]
Allows you to select what to do to a full SEL.
Conguration options: [Do Nothing] [Erase Immediately]
: S elec t Sc reen
: Sel ect Item
Ente r: S elec t
+/: C hang e Op t.
F1: Gene ral Help
F9: Opti mize d De faul ts
F10: Sa ve ES C: Exit
Vers ion 2.01 .120 4. C opyr ight (C) 201 0 Am eric an M egat rend s, I nc.
Ap tio Setu p Ut ilit y - Copy righ t (C ) 20 10 A meri can Mega tren ds, Inc.
Serv er M gmt
E nabl ing/ Disa blin g Op tion s
S EL C ompo nent s [Dis able d]
E rasi ng S etti ngs
E rase SEL [No]
W hen SEL is F ull [Do Noth ing]
N OTE: All val ues chan ged here do not take eff ect
unt il c ompu ter is r esta rted .
Sele ct t o co nfig ure LAN chan nel
para mete rs s tati call y or
dyna mica lly( DHCP ). D o no thin g
opti on w ill not modi fy a ny B MC
netw ork p arame ters durin g BI OS
phas e.
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