Asus P5LD-MR User Manual Page 80

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4-20 Chapter 4: BIOS setup
4.4.3 Remote Access Configuration
The items in this menu allow you to congure the Remote Access features.
Select an item then press <Enter> to display the conguration options.
Congure Remote Access type and parameters
Remote Access [Disabled]
Select Remote Access
Remote Access [Disabled]
Enables or disables the remote access feature.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
The succeeding items appear when the item Remote Access is set to
Serial port number [COM1]
Sets the serial port for console redirection. Make sure the selected port is
enabled. Conguration options: [COM1] [COM2]
Base Address, IRQ [3F8h, 4]
Sets the base address and IRQ assignment of the selected serial port . This
item is auto-detected and is not user-congurable.
Serial Port Mode [115200, 8,n,1]
Allows you to select the serial port mode settings.
Conguration options: [115200 8,n,1] [57600 8,n,1] [38400 8,n,1]
[19200 8,n,1] [09600 8,n,1]
Flow Control [None]
Allows you to select the ow control for console redirection.
Conguration options: [None] [Hardware] [Software]
Redirection after BIOS POST [Always]
Sets the redirection mode after the BIOS Power-On-Self-Test (POST).
Some operating systems may not work when this item is set to [Always].
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Boot Loader] [Always]
Terminal Type [ANSI]
Allows you to select the target terminal type.
Conguration options: [ANSI] [VT100] [VT-UTF8]
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