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ASUS TR-DLSR Users Manual
5. OS Driver Installation
5. Driver Installation
Sun Solaris
1. Insert the Solaris Device Configuration Assistant Diskette into your machines
diskette drive. Also insert the Solaris Installation CD-ROM; or for network
installation, verify with your system administrator that the Solaris Network
Installation image is available on your network.
2. Turn on your machine. When the Solaris Device Configuration Assistant screen
appears, choose F4_Add Driver. The message Enumerating buses... appears.
Then, the Install Driver Update screen appears.
3. Remove the Solaris Device Configuration Assistant Diskette from the diskette
drive and insert the first Solaris Driver ITU diskette you want.
4. Press F2_Continue. The Select Solaris System Version screen appears.
5. Select the appropriate Solaris operating system, and press F2_Continue. The
Loading Driver Update Software screen appears, along with a progress bar
that shows the percentage of drivers that have been extracted from the diskette.
Drivers are read into memory and survive long enough for the system to
successfully boot to its installation program. When all the new drivers on the
diskette have been processed, the Continue Driver Update Installation screen
6. Remove the Solaris Driver ITU diskette from the diskette drive and insert the
next Solaris Driver ITU diskette you want, if any.
7. Press F2_Continue. The Loading Driver Update Software screen appears, along
with a progress bar that shows the percentage of drivers that have been extracted
from the diskette.
8. Repeat Step 4 through Step 8 until all the Solaris Driver ITU diskettes you
want are installed.
9. When all the drivers are processed, remove the Solaris Driver ITU diskette
from the diskette drive and reinsert the Solaris Device Configuration Assistant
Important: Do not remove the Solaris Device Configuration Assistant Diskette
from the diskette drive until you see the following message displayed in a
dialog box: If you want to bypass the device configuration and boot screens
when the system reboots, eject the Device Configuration Assistant/Boot diskette
10. Press F2_Continue. The Solaris Device Configuration Assistant screen appears.
11. Press F2_Continue. The Enumerating buses message appears. The Scanning
Devices screen is then displayed. System devices are scanned. When scanning
is complete, the Identified Devices screen appears.
12. Press F2_Continue. The message Loading driver... appears followed by
messages about the drivers that are required to boot your system. After a few
seconds, the Boot Solaris screen appears.
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