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ASUS TR-DLSR Users Manual
5. OS Driver Installation
5. Driver Installation
SCO Open Server
4. A prompt appears to insert the requested diskette. Since the BTLD diskette is
already inserted, press Enter.
5. A prompt asks for the name of the package. Type: [slha] Press Enter to continue.
6. If a driver is already present from a previous installation, a prompt inquires
about replacing it. Reply y for yes.
7. Once the install package (installpkg) has completed, relink the kernel by typing:
[# /etc/conf/cf.d/link_unix]
8. The system will execute the command and then will prompt for a series of
a. Do you want this kernel to boot by default (y/n)? Type: [y] Press
The system backs up the old kernel.
b. Do you want the kernel environment rebuilt (y/n)? Type: [y] Press
9. To activate the new kernel, you must reboot the system. At the command prompt,
type: [# reboot] (or init 6)
II. Intel 82559 Network Driver Installation
Since the Intel 82559 network driver is non-bundled driver for SCO OpenServer
5.0.x, user must download the Prob100+ Network Driver from SCO FTP site at: Or user can find the Intel 82559
Network driver from ASUS Driver Support CD at: \LAN\UNIX\SCO5\
To install these drivers, take the following steps:
1. Log on as root.
2. Download and copy the Intel 82559 volume image VOL.000.000 from SCO
web site (or copy from Driver Support CD) to a directory, for example, /tmp/vol.
3. Run custom and select Install New. Install from your host machine using
Media Images.
4. Give the directory name where the volume images have been downloaded, for
example, /tmp/vol.
5. Complete the installation and exit custom.
6. Run netconfig and configure the onboard Intel 82559 network adapter: Intel
PRO/100B/PRO+/100+ PCI Adapter
7. To activate the new kernel, you must reboot the system. At the command prompt,
type: [# reboot] (or init 6)
III. ATI Rage XL Display Driver Installation
Since ATI Rage XL graphic driver is not bundled for SCO OpenServer 5.0.x, user
can configure the graphic as standard IBM VGA. Or, user can change the graphics
driver by using mkdev graphics instruction from command prompt.
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