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Dijagnostika periapikalnih lezija prednjih
zuba korišćenjem interneta
Dušan Živković
, Goran Tošić
, Branko Mihailović
Milan Miladinović
, Biljana Vujičić
         
Diagnosis of periapical lesions
of the front teeth using the
Cilj. Nove informacione tehnologije, ne samo što povećavaju
kvalitet zdravstvenog zbrinjavanja pacijenata, nego i omogućuju
njihovo potpuno ili delimično zbrinjavanje na hiljade kilometara
udaljenosti od zdravstvenog centra ili stomatologa. Potreba za
daljinskom dijagnostikom i planiranjem intervencija je posebno
velika kod vojnika, nepokretnih osoba, osobama sa posebnim
potrebama i drugim. Cilj našeg rada je bio istražiti praktičnu
upotrebljivost telestomatoloških metoda u dijagnostici i rutin-
skom zbrinjavanju endodonskih/oralno-hirurških pacijenata u
smislu pouzdanosti postavljanja telemedicinske dijagnoze i pro-
cene adekvatne terapije za endodonski ili oralnohirurški tretman
prednjih zuba.
Metod. U našoj eksperimentalnoj randomizovanoj studiji,
urađenoj od juna do decembra 2009 godine, učestvovalo je 250
pacijenata uzrasta od 9 do 67 godina, oba pola, koji su se javljali
zbog simptomima vezanih za probleme periapikalnih predela
prednjih zuba. Posmatrani zubi su bili zubi stalne denticije i pri-
likom pregleda za svaki zub na koji se pacijent žalio napravljeni su
foto i rtg snimci koji su uploadovani na XPA3 Online aplikacioni
server na Internetu odakle su ih preuzimali i pregledali udaljeni
konsultanti. Ispitana je dijagnostička saglasnost Kohenovim kap-
pa (k) koecijentom, dijagnostička senzitivnost (SE), specičnost
(SP) i ekasnost (EFF), i izvršen z-test i Mc Nemmar χ2 kvadrat
test za prag značajnosti od p=0.05.
Rezultati. Rezultati (k=0.97%, SE=0,99%, SP=0,99%, EFF=0,99
za 95% IP), pokazuju na postignutu skoro potpunu dijagnostičku
saglasnost. Dijagnostičke razlike nisu statistički značajne.
Zaključak. Telestomatologija bazirana na Internetu kao tele-
komunikacionom mediju može se uspešno koristiti u cilju dij-
agnostike periapikalnih lezija prednjih zuba, pritom smanjujući
troškove udaljenog pregleda i čineći dostupnom urgentnu pomoć.
Ključne reči: stomatologija; periapikalne bolesti; sistemi medi-
cinskih zapisa, kompjuterizovani; kompjuterizovane komunika-
cione mreže; telemedicina.
Milan Miladinović, Bulevar dr Zorana Đinđića 25/1,18000 Niš, Tel. 0184536 636, E-mail: [email protected]
Milan Miladinović, Boulevard Dr Zoran Đinđić 25/1, 18000 Niš, Serbia, Phone *381184536636, Email: [email protected]
Objective. New information technologies not only raise the
degree of quality of patient health care but also enable their par-
tial or complete management over the distances of thousands of
kilometers away from the health care centers or dentists. The need
for distance diagnosis and planning of interventions is especially
important when caring for soldiers, bed-ridden individuals, those
with special needs and other patient subpopulations. Our aim
here was to investigate the practical usefulness of teledentistry
methods in the diagnosis and routine management of endodontic/
oral surgery patients in the sense of reliability of teledentistry
diagnosis and assessment of the most appropriate therapy in an
endodontic or oral surgery treatment of the front teeth.
Methods. In our experimental randomized study performed
from June to December 2009, there were 250 enrolled patients of
both genders, aged 9 to 67 years, visiting our department because
of the symptoms related to the problems with periapical regions
of their front teeth. The teeth observed constituted permanent
dentition, and for each of the teeth producing complaints, photo-
graphs and radiographs were taken and uploaded to XPA3 Online
application server on the Internet, from where they were down-
loaded and reviewed by distant consultants. Diagnostic agree-
ment was studied by way of Cohen’s kappa coefficient, as well as
diagnostic sensitivity (SE), specificity (SP), and efficacy (EFF), and
z-test and McNemmar X2 test were applied for the significance
threshold of p=0.05.
Results. The results obtained (k=0.97%, SE=0,99%, SP=0,99%,
EFF=0,99 za 95% IP) indicate an almost complete diagnostic
agreement. Diagnostic differences were not statistically signifi-
Conclusion. Teledentistry based on the Internet as a telecom-
munication medium can be successfully utilized in the diagnosis of
periapical lesions of the front teeth, reducing the costs associated
with distant visits and making urgent help available.
Key words: dentistry; periapical diseases; medical records
systems, computerized; computer communication networks; tele-
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