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obostrano ravnanje (“justify”), pasus 1.27 cm uvučen (“tabs”). U
čitavom rukopisu koristiti jednobrazan stil, za razdvajanje i isti-
canje sadržaja koristiti se samo velika slova i/ili numeraciju bez
korišćenja stilova kao što su “Bold,“Underline“,“Italic“. Pridržavati
se pravila kucanja, iza znaka interpunkcije ostaviti jedno prazno
mesto, a za veće praznine koristiti tabulator. U tabelama koristiti
samo mrežu („grid“) bez upotrebe isprekidanih, punih ili duplih
linija. Slike (fotograje i grakoni) se pripremaju u odgovarajućem
apliktivnom soveru (npr. MS Oce Excell ili Adobe Photoshop),
u crno-beloj varijanti („grayscale“), u rezoluciji 300 dpi i konver-
tuju u format jpg, ti ili bmp.
Struktura rukopisa. Podneti rukopis treba da bude pripremljen
i strukturisan prema uputstvima Međunarodnog komiteta ured-
nika medicinskih časopisa (“Uniform Requirements for Manu-
scripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals”) a prema poslednjoj
verziji uputstva objavljenoj na internet stranici
Opšta struktura originalnog rukopisa sastoji se i sledećih delova:
naslovna stranica, sažetak, uvod, metod, rezultati, diskusija, izjava
o koniktu interesa sa ili bez izjave zahvalnosti, literatura, tabele,
slike, legende za slike i spisak skraćenica. Stuktura ostalih radova
prilagodjava se vrsti sadržaja. Maksimalni ukupni obim rukopisa
orijentaciono treba da bude sledeći: originalni rad 12-15 strana,
pregledni članak 15-20 strana, stručni članak 10-12 strana, rad iz
istorije medicine 8-10 strana, predhodno saopštenje 6-8 strana,
izveštaj i novosti 2-4 strane, prikaz knjige i pismo uredniku 1-2
NASLOV. Naslovna stranica sadrži naslov rada, imena autora,
institucije autora, kontakt adresa autora za korespondenciju, kratki
naslov, broj reči, broj tabela i slika.
APSTRAKT. Sažetak treba da je strukturisan (cilj, metod, re-
zultati, zaključak), sadrži do 250 reči i najmanje 5 ključnih reči
prema MESH odrednicama.
Za rukopise napisane na srpskom jeziku naslovnu stranicu i
sažetak dostaviti i na engleskom jeziku.
UVOD. U uvodu originalnih radova naznačiti značaj prob-
lema koji se ispituje, teorijske osnove na kojima je zasnovano
istraživanje i ciljeve studije.
METOD. U delu ispitanici i metod/materijal i metod opisati
opšti dizajn istraživanja, mesto i vreme istraživanja, studijsku pop-
ulaciju/uzorak, načine objektivizacije praćenih ishoda i tehničke
informacije, etičke aspekte i statističku analizu.
REZULTATI. Rezultate strukturisati shodno logičnom toku
istraživanja. Navesti najznačajnije karakteristike studijske popu-
lacije ili uzorka, priložiti precizne i što detaljnije podatke sa mera-
ma centralne tendencije (aritmetička sredina, mod, medijana) i
varijabiliteta (standardna devijacija, standardna greška, interval
poverenja), shodno njihom tipu i prirodi. U rezultatima ne ponav-
ljati podatke koji su već prezentovani u prilozima (tabele i slike).
DISKUSIJA. U delu diskusija prezentovati najznačajnije
zaključke studije u svetlu dosadašnjih saznanja, naznačiti moguća
metodološka i druga ograničenja i dati završni zaključak uzimajući
u obzir uži i širi naučno-stručni okvir.
LITERATURA. Vrsta i broj referenci se prilagođavaju tipu
rules of typing, after the punctuation mark leave a space, and for larg-
er gaps use the tab. In the tables use only use the web (“grid”) without
the use of punctuated, full or double lines. Images (photos and charts)
are prepared in the appropriate applicative software (e.g. MS Office
Excel, or Adobe Photoshop), in black and white versions (“grayscale”),
resolution of 300 dpi and converted to JPG, TIFF or BMP.
The structure of the manuscript. Submitted manuscript should be
prepared and structured according to the guidelines of the Interna-
tional Committee of Medical Journal editors (“Uniform Requirements
for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals”) according to the
latest version of the instructions published on the website www.ic- The general structure of the original manuscripts consists of
the following components: title page, abstract, introduction, method,
results, discussion, statements about the conflict of interest with or
without a statement of acknowledgement, bibliography, tables, fig-
ures, figure legends and a list of abbreviations. The structure of the
other papers is tailored to the type of content. The maximum total vol-
ume of manuscripts should be approximately as follows: the original
work of 12-15 pages, review article 15-20 pages, professional papers
10-12 pages, the work history of medicine from 8-10 pages, previous
statements 6-8 pages, reports and news 2-4 pages, book reviews and
letters to the editor 1-2 pages.
TITLE. Home page contains the title of the paper, author names,
institutions of the authors, contact address for correspondence author,
a short title, word count, a number of tables and images.
ABSTRACT. Abstract should be structured (objective, method, results
and conclusion), contains up to 250 words and at least 5 keywords ac-
cording to the MESH headings. For the manuscripts written in Serbian
language title page and abstract should be submitted also in English.
INTRODUCTION. In the introduction of the original papers indicate
the importance of the problems that are examined, the theoretical
foundations on which the research and study goals are based.
METHOD. In subjects and methods / materials and methods describe
the general design of the research, place and time of the research,
study population / sample, ways of objectively tracked outcomes and
technical information, ethical aspects and statistical analysis.
RESULTS. Structure the results according to the logical course of
the research. Indicate the most important characteristics of the study
population or sample, submit accurate and detailed information with
the measures of the central tendency (arithmetic mean, mode, median)
and variability (standard deviation, standard error, confidence inter-
val), according to their type and nature. In the results do not repeat
information already presented in the attachments (tables and figures).
DISCUSSION. In the discussion part present the most important
conclusions of the study in the light of previous findings, indicate pos-
sible methodological and other limitations and give a final conclusion,
taking into account a narrower and broader scientific framework.
REFERENCES. The type and number of references are adapted to
the type and structure of the manuscript. Generally, you should use
the smallest possible number of citations and give priority to works
published in extenso, preferably in the most ranked, reviewed journals.
Books, monographs and Internet-published contents use in excep-
tional cases. If it is not necessary, avoid specifying the works in press,
papers published in very concisely (“abstracts”), unpublished results
(unpublished observations), personal contact information (“personal
communication”). In the text, literature is cited in Arab numerals in
superscript, after punctuation marks, in order of appearance. In the
bibliography list, the references are marked with appropriate numbers
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