Asus P3C-D User Manual Page 74

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ASUS P3C-L / P3C-S / P3C-LS Users Manual74
PCI Configuration
ONB SCSI LVD Term. [Enabled]
This enables you to enable or disable the onboard termination for Ultra2
devices, such as disk drives, using low voltage differential (LVD) technol-
ogy. LVD allows the onboard SCSI chipset to support a maximum of 15
devices on a 12m cable, a fourfold increase over UltraSCSI cable length. In
a point-to-point configuration, the cabling can be extended up to 25m. This
increased length allows greater flexibility in your system configuration, es-
pecially in RAID and clustering applications. Configuration options: [Dis-
abled] [Enabled]
USB Function [Enabled]
This motherboard supports Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices. Set to [En-
abled] if you want to use USB devices. Configuration options: [Disabled]
If your computer has both PCI and AGP VGA cards, this field allows you to
select which of the cards will act as your primary card. The default, [PCI/
AGP], allows your PCI card to take precedent when detected. [AGP/PCI]
uses the AGP card as your primary card. Configuration options: [PCI/AGP]
Onboard LAN Boot ROM [Disabled]
Leave on default setting.
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