> restart ↵
• Remote bridging over PPPoA
> bridge device add edd ↵
> bridge device add ppp/DEVICE=2 ↵
> config save ↵
> restart ↵
> ppp 1 pvc 32 mac ↵
> ppp 1 interface 2 ↵
> ppp 1 enable ↵
> restart ↵
The RFC 2364 configuration also can be removed by following procedure. Please ensure to remove the RFC 2364
configuration before set the ADSL Router to other configuration.
• IP dial out over PPPoA
> ip device flush ↵
> config save ↵
> restart ↵
> ppp 1 pvc none ↵
> ppp 1 welogin none ↵
> ppp 1 interface 0 ↵
> ppp 1 disable ↵
> restart ↵
> ip norelay ↵
> config save ↵
> restart ↵
10.2. Add NAT to PPP over ATM
NAT is an IP address conversion feature that translates a PC’s local (internal) address into a temporary global
(outside/Internet) IP address. NAT is needed when a PC (or several PCs) on a Local Area Network wants to connect to the
outside Internet to get to a remote network: NAT swaps the local IP address to a global IP address. Our version of NAT
goes one step further by allowing several PCs to share one single IP address to the Internet, thus reducing connection
costs. In effect, it allows a whole LAN to connect to the Internet as a single user.
[System configuration]
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