Asus AAM6000EV Specifications Page 51

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nat inbound add <i/f> <port>/<proto> <new IP> [quiet]
nat inbound delete <#>
nat inbound flush
This command enables the user to list or to set up a series of rules, to determine what happens to incoming traffic. By
default all incoming packets, other that packets arriving in response to outgoing traffic will be rejected.
The nat inbound add command allows packets arriving on a specific port and IP protocol to be forwarded to a
machine on the private network. <i/f> is an interface name as shown by the nat interface list command;
<port> is the destination UDP or TCP port number to match in the incoming traffic; <proto> is the IP protocol,
either “udp” or “tcp”; <new IP> is the new IP address on the private network which the packet’s destination IP address
should be translated to. If a rule is added for an interface on which NAT is not enabled, the rule is added anyway but a
warning is printed to alert the user to this fact. quiet is a special option which should not normally be issued at the
console, and causes this warning to be suppressed. The quiet option is automatically added by NAT to when writing
its configuration to flash; this is because when a system boots, the NAT process reads in these rules before IP has
registered any interfaces
nat inbound list shows the current rules for inbound traffic, including all the arguments passed to the nat
inbound add command.
nat inbound delete removes a rule, where <#> is the rule number as shown by the nat inbound list
nat inbound flush removes all the rules.
> nat inbound add ppp_device 80/TCP
> nat inbound list
# Interface Port/Proto New IP address
1 ppp_device 80/tcp
2 r1483 21/tcp
> nat inbound delete 2
13.6.4. nat info
nat info
This command displays the values of various parameters, which are defined in the module file, for example the session
table size and the session timeouts. NAT’s current memory usage is also displayed.
> nat info
Interface table size 1 (116 bytes)
Session table size per interface: 128 (6656 bytes)
Total: 6656 bytes
Hash table size per interface: 128 (512 bytes)
Total: 512 bytes
Fragment table size per interface: 32 (640 bytes)
Total: 640 bytes
Max queued buffers: 16
Fragment timeout: 30
Support for incoming fragments: enabled
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