Asus AAM6000EV Specifications Page 47

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of broadcasting it. However, the RIP relay support has not been recently tested and is not believed to be reliable;
furthermore, configuration saving does not save the RIP relay configuration. On a non-broadcast medium, therefore, it is
preferable to use static (manually configured) routes.
13.5.25. rip relays
rip relays
Displays the configured RIP relays. See “rip relay” for information on RIP relays
13.5.26. rip send
rip send [all|<i/f>] [none|<version>*]
Controls which version or versions of RIP (RIP version 1, RFC 1058, or RIP version 2, RFC 1723). TCP/IP will use to
broadcast routing information on each interface. If both versions are specified, routing information is broadcast in
duplicate, once using each version. Specifying “all” affects all interfaces except the loopback interface (if any).
Configuration saving saves this information. By default RIP version 2 only is used on all non-loopback interfaces ( “rip
send all 2”).
DSL> ip rip send all 2
DSL> ip rip send ether 1
DSL> ip rip allowed
rip send ether 1
rip send vlane 2
rip accept ether 1 2
rip accept vlane 1 2
13.5.27. route
route add <name> <dest> <relay> [<mask> [<cost> [<timeout>]]]
route delete <name>
route flush
Lists routes; adds or deletes a static route; or deletes all routes.
<name>” is an arbitrary name specified to “route add” that can be used to delete the route using “route
<dest>” is the IP address of the network being routed to (only those bits of “<dest>” corresponding to bits set in
<mask>” are relevant).
<relay>” is the IP address of the next-hop gateway for the route.
<mask>” (default ff:ff:ff:00) is the subnet mask of the network being routed to, specified as four hexadecimal numbers
separated by colons. For example, 0:0:0:0 is a default route (matches everything without a more specific route), ff:ff:ff:0
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